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Multi-touch of Windows 7 Preview

Microsoft demonstrates Multi-touch

Posted by Chris Flores on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 7:21 PM


For years Microsoft has been investing in many forms of natural input in order to simplify the way people interact with their PC's and devices. The advent of the original Windows graphical user interface forever changed the way people used their PC's.

其实这句话说的不太恰当。鼠标最早由施乐Palo Alto研究中心(PARC)发明,并应用在Apple上,MS借用了这个概念,配合GUI图形界面,从Dos升级至Windows 3 乃至 95 98,彻底统治了用户桌面。


Today, advances in pen and handwriting technology in Windows Vista offers students a natural and intuitive way to capture searchable notes and diagrams in the classroom. Others are using this technology to quietly capture pen based notes during meetings. Speech recognition, something which was once considered science fiction, is enabling many Windows Vista users to see, hear, and use their computers for the very first time.




Last year, at the Wall Street Journal's D: All Things Digital conference, Bill Gates introduced a groundbreaking new computing experience called Surface. Surface harnesses touch and multi-touch capabilities to provide users with a natural way to interact directly with computing devices. Expect to see the table-like Surface devices in hotels, retail establishments, restaurants and public entertainment venues.

Touch is quickly becoming a common way of directly interacting with software and devices. Touch-enabled surfaces are popping up everywhere including laptop touch pads, cell phones, remote controls, GPS devices, and more. What becomes even more compelling is when this experience is delivered to the PC -on a wide variety of Windows notebooks, in all-in-one PC's, as well as in external monitors. In working with our broad ecosystem of hardware and software manufactures, we're excited to be showing some of the great work and investments we are working on in Windows 7.

而Windows 7在Vista的基础上更进一步,推出Multi-touch,可以直接用手指操控。

其实触摸已经在Tablet PC 手机 GPS等有了广泛应用,MS将其引入OS也是大势所趋。

那么,如果3年之后,Windows 7 推出之日,人们真的可以用手指、语言、笔来操控电脑的话,可以说是梦想成真,科幻电影的情节进入普通人的生活。这将是OS的一大革命。


特别是在Google目前非常强势,全面统治搜索,并很可能在未来几年统治Web-based computing — software 的情况下,传统OS有被边缘化的危险。小打小闹,在原有的基础上增添几个小功能已经无济于事。



当然,Apple肯定也不会闲着,3年之后,很可能是Windows Mac OS平分天下的局面,两者均能实现自然方式的人机交互,共同成为进入Google世界的portal。
