想啥就写啥 想到哪儿就写到哪儿 不想写就不写


The only thing I need on a PC is a brower

Browsers Are a Battleground Once Again

Published: May 26, 2008
New York Times


“People in the industry foresee a time in which for many people, the only thing they’ll need on a computer is a browser,” said Mitch Kapor, the software pioneer who now sits on the board of the Mozilla Foundation and has created a start-up, FoxMarks, that is developing a tool to synchronize bookmarks between computers. “The browser is just extraordinarily strategic.”


所 以,微软通过Windows对用户桌面的统治地位并不稳固,Firefox目前市场占有率为18% 且逐渐增加,而Apple也考虑对Windows用户开放Safari浏览器(5%)。Google不一定要做浏览器,反正不管你用什么浏览器,最终的目 的都是google搜索及其他服务。
