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Apple the Leader


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Jun 12th 2008 | SAN FRANCISCO
From The Economist print edition

Apple ditches its unusual business model to boost handset sales


Perhaps above all, it is a lot cheaper, starting at $199, just below what the industry sees as the pain threshold for the mass market. What Mr Jobs did not say was that the reduction comes largely from a change in Apple's relations with mobile operators, such as AT&T in America. Operators will subsidise the new handsets to make this low price possible, but will also increase monthly usage fees—and will no longer pass a share of those fees to Apple.

本篇TE文章稍显普通(前面部分),开场例牌介绍一下iPhone产品发布会的情况,然后分析到两点:1 iPhone 价格 进入200美金以下空间,相当于国内手机进入2000元心理线,这一“下“意味着iPhone并没有把自己定位于所谓中高端品牌,或者说,经过一年的试用期,在产品技术进一步完善,市场接受度及品牌为大众接受,获得初步成功,整个销售流程也运作成熟的前提下。Apple不满足只在中高端市场分一块蛋糕,而是要做第2个iPod。也就是说,这个市场只有一个Apple以及一些小角色,一切唯我独尊。这恐怕也是Steve的魄力所在:“我回来并不仅仅是让Apple扭亏为盈,甚至做个还不错的消费电子商,而是要一统天下,未来客户的所有与IT相关的消费电子产品8成以上必须是我Apple的。Apple或者说Steve要做的事类似于Google,并非以两个单独的产品,而是做成系列,最后达到完全垄断的局面。



Finland's Nokia sells the most “smartphones”, capturing 45% of the world market in the first three months of this year, and Canada's Research In Motion (RIM), the maker of the famous BlackBerry, is second, with 13%. Even in America, where Nokia is weak, RIM leads, with 42%, followed by Apple with 20%.

目前貌似”智能手机“已经三分天下,Nokia一家独大优势明显 市场份额高达45%(2008年前三月),商务人士专用机BlackBerry紧随其后13%。







But Apple's impact on the industry has been greater than its market share suggests. The iPhone has set new standards in design and ease of use. A telling statistic from Mr Jobs is that 98% of users browse the web on their iPhones, 94% use it for e-mail, and 80% use ten or more features—including, of course, the built-in iPod music-player. As Mr Jobs joked, many users of other smartphones, with their clunky menus, cannot even find ten features.


这个方向就是——极具创造力的外型设计 和 非常便捷方便的用户使用界面。



This points to the ultimate role of the iPhone for Mr Jobs, Apple and the industry. There were personal computers before 1984, but it took the Macintosh, which Apple launched that year, to popularise the icon-based graphical interface that others copied, kicking off the PC era. There were digital music-players before 2001, but Apple's iPod made them both ubiquitous and user-friendly. In the same way, says Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, an analyst who has followed Apple throughout its history, the iPhone, with its elegant touch-screen interface, seems likely to be the gadget that sets the direction that others will follow in the era of mobility.


TE由此引出一个观点,Steve Jobs Apple的贡献绝不仅仅是生产了几个漂亮的小玩具,他曾经影响了一个行业——PC。1984年,Macintosh首先采用图形界面,后来被微软抄袭,然后才有了PC的普及。2001年之前市场上也有不少MP3,但是iPod的出现使得MP3彻底普及到每一个人,(因为它漂亮而且非常好用)


To bring that about, Apple is now turning the iPhone into a hand-held computer and allowing other firms to write software to run on it. Other handset-makers are doing the same, but the iPhone's operating system and programming tools, on display this week, are better than theirs. There is no doubt that Mr Jobs is trying to lead a third revolution in consumer technology in his lifetime.

更重要的是,Apple虽然意图独霸天下,但是它很明白现在是一个开放的年代,封闭只能让自己死的更快(索尼 微软 为代表),iPhone不仅对最终用户界面友好,也对软件开发商大开方便之门,提供了一整套好用的开发工具。


诺基亚 Blackberry 只是明显的对手

其他还有:PC厂商 联想 戴尔 惠普


门户网站 在线购物。


然后,可以在iPhone预装所有无线网络应用的入口:在线购买 网络点播 新闻资讯(与Google合作),搜索(与Google合作),部分应用可以与Google合作,广告费分成。其他则可以一家独大,特别是电子商务方面,尤其是数据流销售,也就是讯息销售,可以完全取代报纸杂志电视广播唱片店。
